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New Book “Does God Exist?” by Simeon Thomas Explores this Age-Old Question

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New Book “Does God Exist?” by Simeon Thomas Explores this Age-Old Question

November 30
01:33 2023
New Book "Does God Exist?" by Simeon Thomas Explores this Age-Old Question

Are we a mere happenstance of cosmic evolution, or is mankind the creation of an intelligent being?  For thousands of years, man has grappled with this question.  In times of personal loss, tragedy, or crisis, we find ourselves asking: “God, how could you let this happen?  Do you even exist?”  But physical responses to such questions are not really expected.  These answers, we are taught, are only found through faith and religion.

So in this modern age, with no way to empirically confirm the reality of a God, and with science and technology solving so many of the world’s problems over the past two centuries, belief in God is becoming untenable for a rapidly growing number of us.  This decline in faith has accelerated in recent decades as the denials of God’s existence by many brilliant minds, especially those in the scientific community, have become widely publicized and accepted as true by a growing percentage of the world’s population.  Simeon Thomas’ new book, “DOES GOD EXIST? The Truth”, opens with comments of influential leaders in science and business who categorically reject the idea of an intelligent creator.  Thomas Edison, Warren Buffet, Steve Wozniak, Paul Dirac, and Stephen Hawking are just a few of the hundreds of bright men and women who openly deny God’s existence.  Are they correct?  Find the answer in Thomas’ new Book.

The author is a successful business entrepreneur who operates a business that he co-founded decades ago.  With a degree in physics from a renowned university and a master’s degree in finance from one of the top Ivy League business schools, he has extensive experience in the corporate and small business worlds.  From an early age, Thomas has had an abiding curiosity about all things.  He is an inventor holding several U.S. patents.  For almost sixty years he has enjoyed mastering the challenges of the business world and studying the mysteries of physics, particularly the bizarre realm of quantum mechanics.  But these interests have waned recently as his life’s focus has shifted to the subject of this Book.

DOES GOD EXIST? The Truth” is a quick read that will have a memorable impact on young and old of every faith and creed. It is a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered about the existence of God – believers and non-believers alike.

DOES GOD EXIST? The Truth” is available now on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.

Contact the author with any questions or comments about “Does God Exist? The Truth” at: [email protected].

Book Name: Does God Exist?: The Truth
Author Name: Simeon Thomas
ISBN Number: 978-1916761117
Ebook Version: Click Here
Paperback Version: Click Here
Hardcover Version: Click Here

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